Here we go…

I know that I should probably start with this great introductory post and the perfectionist in me wants to. I really do! I’m not going to though… I will just be me and let the words flow. I feel as though I owe some description of my plans and intentions in starting this blog. The truth though is that I have NO solid plan. Horrible right, I know, but I can scrape the surface to at least clue you in.

This will be a journey for me both professionally, if all goes well, and personally. I have had so many life experiences that I want to share with others. I felt a blog was the only way to tackle it all and put it into as pretty a package as I could muster. I want to use my life and all I have learned to maybe help others. In doing so I hope to help myself in the process!

Sounds pathetically vague still, I agree. Some topics I wish to cover are life, change, mental health topics, career, family, and maybe even insight for good measure. If you have read to this point, thank you! I appreciate you sharing this journey with me and know in return you are never alone in your journey!